Thursday, June 19, 2008


Here at IBI they have a wonderful program called Lunch and Learn. Each Thursday a product manufacturer comes to the office, buys us lunch and then educates us on whatever product they happen to be peddling. To date I have attended three such events. The first was bout cultured stone, very fascinating. The gentleman had a number of examples of what happens to stone veneers when water gets behind them. You can see their products here, The second was on modular walls from a company called DIRTT, which stands for Do It Right This Time. I think that the company spends the same amount of time thinking up cool names for their product s as then do designing them. In essence a very interesting company that has a computer software package that makes land/fx look like a Comodore PET. You can view their gallery here, Today’s Lunch was all about waterproofing and airproofing your home. The presentation was very Architect oriented and the chocolate chip cookies had these huge milk chocolate morsels that really were not all that good. Oh well, for all of your waterproofing needs go to, This company actually makes a waterproof sealer that is used in green-roofs so check ‘em out. I will continue to post on the content of our lunch and learn program as well as links to the products we learn about. Hope you all are having fun out there.

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